Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another Check for the Bucket List

No.  I haven't done one-hundred push-ups, but I have done ONE push-up.  By time I have gotten around to writing this, I am actually up to two push-ups.  After I completed my first fitness goal of being able to run a 5K, I decided my new fitness goal would be to do one single, solitary, loney push-up.  My 6-year-old gave me a slight shove in this direction when he started playing with what he calls my "flappers."  So, for the last six to eight weeks, I would get on the floor several days a week, and attempt to do a push-up, and fall flat on my face while my kids laughed, then I would get on my knees and do some girl push-ups to strengthen up my "flappers."  Last week, I hit the floor, assumed the position, went down, and shocked myself by pushing myself back up.  No face plant!!!  Ya!  I am up to a whole two real push-ups, and three sets of 11 girl push-ups.  Progress!

Now for my next goal, I have been playing around with the idea of running a 10K and will just keep trying to tack on another push-up or two.  I have never been able to do ONE in my entire life!

Now.....I would like to take this opportunity to sexualize men for a moment.  When I Googled push-up images, it came up with many women wearing hardly anything at all in compromising positions, at strange angles, or just in a push-up bra.  So I would like to flip this for a moment for MY viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. I love pushing our boundaries and finding out what our bodies are truly capable of :)

    Good for you!
