Friday, May 20, 2011

The Chocolate Hoard

I mentioned my chocolate hoard the other day, and I am not sure whether this is a problem or not, should I be ashamed or proud that I have a chocolate collection?  I eat chocolate most days of the week, less the last couple weeks because I have been HUNGRY; I need more volume for my calorie buck lately.  Chocolate is the key to my dieting success.  It is one of those non-negotiables.  If I couldn't have chocolate, I couldn't stick with it.  Even on the days where I do not eat chocolate, the fact is that I could eat chocolate and without guilt.  That keeps me going.  But when I looked at the sum of my chocolate stash, I thought hmmmmm....this may not be "normal."

There are boxes of Christmas chocolate, Valentine's Day chocolate, Mother's Day chocolate, four Easter PB eggs, a container of dark chocolate and turbinado sugar coated almonds, KIND dark chocolate and almond bars, cocoa dusted almonds, Lindt sea salt and dark chocolate (absolute favorite), and trail mix with mini PB cups.

I guess I should be proud of the fact that I have this stash because before if I got a box of chocolate for V-day it would be gone in two days, and here it is almost June and still half full and stale.  What isn't normal about it is that if I didn't have my chocolate hoard, I think I would freak out a little bit.


  1. Starting off on this journey, I bought dark chocolate squares to satiate my chocolate craving. Nowadays, I put a few semi-sweet chocolate chips in my protein pancakes and I love it :)

    Your chocolates look yummy! Have a great weekend.

  2. I think it's an awesome idea! If it keeps you focused, I'd say there's absolutely nothing wrong with it! I have my "free" meals where I eat whatever I want and I don't feel guilty. I think of one thing that I would really like to have and I gift myself that and enjoy every. single. morsel. Period. lol Great job finding what works for you!

  3. I wish I could eat a "free" meal without guilt. Even if I tell myself I won't feel guilty if I go over my calories, I end up feeling guilty anyway. I am going to Boy Scout camp with my 6-year-old this weekend, and I am trying to talk myself into loosening up, having fun, and not fretting over calories because it WILL NOT MATTER.
