Monday, May 2, 2011

Evolution for the Family Too

So, I have three growing boys, and I have icecream, and candy, and chips, and Little Debbie.  I am embarrassed at the grocery store check-out line.  I have changed my eating habits, and now is the time to slowly start incorporating changes into the kids daily eating habits too.  I make a healthy meal most nights of the week, include fruit when I pack lunches (along side that Little Debbie), and morning snack is most likely to be a fruit and a mozzarella stick.  Most nights of the week, my 6-year-old will choose fruit over icecream or chips, but my two older boys will pick junk for their snacks.  A couple nights a week, I will insist they have a fruit instead, which is met with many complaints, moans, and groans, and I don't feel like living through the whining the next night and drop the subject for a few days.

This time though, I gave them fair warning.  After I grocery shopped on Sunday night, skipping the icecream aisle entirely, I let all three boys know that for either their after school or evening snack they must choose a fruit.  They can pick anything available in the house for one snack, but the other MUST be a fruit, no exceptions.  Small changes.

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