Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Feeling It

When I finished the 5K race, I decided to keep my runs at 2 miles, three or four times a week, with intentions to run 3 miles about once a week when I was “feeling it.”   Well, I have stuck with 2 to 2.25 miles three to five times a week, but every single run was a struggle.   Yesterday, three weeks after the race, I ran 1.5 miles before ever peeking at the treadmill display, my butt didn’t ache, my calves weren’t yelling at me, and my breathing was pretty even.  Oh sure, I was sweating up a rainstorm and breathing is never easy, but I was finally feeling it.  When the treadmill hit two miles, I began my cool down, but then I realized “Hey!  I am feeling it today.  Why stop?”   I cranked it back up and ran 3.1 full miles.  It felt amazing.  I felt strong.  I need to find another 5K race to aim for to keep my motivation up.
I've been doing well, eating on plan, exercising, and I have lost 1.5 pounds in the last two weeks.  It is slow going lately, but I know that there are changes that might not necessarily show up on the scale.  Jeans that were too tight just one week ago, fit comfortably.  I have only lost 6 or 7 pounds since I bought my running pants, but the last couple runs I have to constantly pull them up because they are too loose.  I am about 4 pounds from my pre-divorce weight and 14 pounds from my pre-last baby weight.  I'm getting get there.

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