I was hungry yesterday, but I made it through the day meeting my goal of eating healthier and eating less. I planned on making an old favorite recipe of mine, Cooking Light Chicken Parmesan, homemade sauce and all. I had the sauce simmering on the stove when my fiance called and asked if it was okay if he subbed for his work's bowling team. "Sure, whatever you want to do." Was what came out of my mouth, while my mind said, but I haven't seen you since Sunday, except for when you get into bed at night and out of bed in the morning. I have been nannying for my two baby nieces for 10 hours a day, taking care of my own three boys, playing taxi, taking care of the house, laundry, cooking, etc., and then working my second job for a couple hours in the evening after the kids go to bed. Forgive me for being a tad bit overwhelmed. Then I think no wonder I eat junk and way too much of it, but then that is just another excuse, so the pasta sauce became pizza sauce and we had a much simpler meal of mini pizzas, still on plan.
BREAKFAST: Chobani strawberry yogurt with fresh pineapple, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.
LUNCH: Chicken and fruit salad wraps (Two LaTortilla factory high fiber tortillas, 4 oz rotisserie chicken, 7 grapes, 1/4 cup pineapple, romaine lettuce, and 1 T Ken's poppyseed dressing.) YUM.
SNACK: Grapes, strawberries, Trader Joes Chocolate Chip Brownie Oat Bar.
DINNER: 2 homemade mini cheese pizzas.
SNACK: Air popped corn with 1 T butter.
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